Jane Austen's Matchmaker: Chapter Two

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"...but it is not every man's fate to marry the women who loves him best. Miss Hawkins, perhaps, wanted a home, and thought this the best offer she was likely to have.' Emma, 1816

Be more Emma whose expertise in matchmaking knows no bounds with the next version of the matchmaking game. In Jane Austen's Matchmaker: Chapter Two which allows a minimum of 2 players you will try to help each of Jane Austen's characters to find love. The task may be thwarted by the each characters own traits -charm, virtue, rank, fortune - are they really looking for love or wish to acquire status and money? Making a suitable match will enhance your matchmaking prestige and the player with the most prestige wins the game. Immerse yourself in regency fun and games without breaking too many hearts!

  • 1 x Jane Austen's matchmaker card game.
  • 88 full colour illustrated cards.
  • 54 prestige card tokens.
  • 2 matchmaker dice.
  • 20 - 45 minute play time.
  • 2 - 4 players.
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